Sunday, February 28, 2010

boston terrier with pink rabbit, hippo and super small tabasco

boston550wpinkbunrabbit, originally uploaded by tobin eckian.

ah. always good to have power back on. seems super strange to have the luxury of it? not sure about it. i don't like this 'power from without' thing. i would rather be an energizer type of creature that could generate it's own power for all of it's personal requirements. do you ya know what i mean?

have a great week. and the balance of this sunday left.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


bleh. , originally uploaded by tobin eckian.

ok, not really 'bleh.' just a little ready for some blue sky.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Who knew about ski Joering?

I would have done this when I was young if I knew about it.  Is it possible to do a redo?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What? we can't keep the pom?

The Pug says "What?!  We can't keep the pom?"

The Black and White contingency team meet and discuss the issue about keeping the pom.

It is discovered that sometimes a Fox comes and goes into one's life rather quickly, do you agree?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Holding Still, Holding Ground

Holding Strong

taking a stand
thru the rest of winter
fiddle while i can
drink coffee
hold still
hill, bump

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Occurance Shifts to Invitation (a painting transforms while a person does)

A painting, a person, a neighbor who paints, the planet...everything is connected.  When I work as honest to the  point of almost being brutal with myself but not that, still kind and gentle even tho' feeling a bit bumped about - magic happens over time in the process of painting.  When my neighbor is painting and she changes for the better because of it, that makes it easier for me to change also. 

A painting, an oil...about a woman and a dog called "frequency gown"  started out being about the woman and the dog and their relationship.  Over time, after some technical difficulties (still being worked out but getting there)....they both turned.  They BOTH started looking out of the painting as an invitation to the viewer.  I didn't plan any of this.  I was just daddling along, doing my best to be present, listen to colors that i hear and see off the right side of my head.
Maybe it doesn't transfer as much as in person.  These are small thumbnails.  Yes, I know the one on the right is smiling more, that is not what I am talking about. lol.  And  yes, I know the person on the left looks way more extraterrestrial the the woman on the right.  Am I over-exaggerating?!
Maybe a trip to my studio is called for where it can be seen in person until moving out to an unknown yet to be determined destination.  Can you see why painting is a source of constant entertainment?

Sunday, February 07, 2010

do do do the Diorama

I think Diorama can also be spelled 'diarama' but it reminds too much of something that way.

The first Diorama I made was the first really magical 'artistic' happening that occurred in my life.  I didn't know what I was doing but I had a plan and ideas kept popping in my head - I was making my first and only Shoebox Diorama.  I was in 6th grade and my teacher, Mr. Daugherty instructed us to make one about a book we read.  I only really half listened to the instructions as what seemed like a common factor I carried with me through my school life, so I was pretty  much on my own in terms of what it was I was supposed to do.  Things came together in a most extraordinary way:  cotton balls, twigs,  everything I needed I found literally at my fingertips.  I got an A in the project for something I was entirely into.  (A first in school life experience, being 'entirely into it.')

I have been working on some now for quite a few years.  They are simple and meant to be added to (there is a small shelf behind the beaded wire balcony) with little artifacts.  I 'upcycle' cardboard, tape, plaster-fy, glue a print from one of my paintings and paint it.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Baby Bunny

"Rose with a baby squeak sounding rubber bunny"

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I couldn't get over myself yesterday to blog so today I am.

Something Happened

In these days, sometimes people might act unconnected to themselves and act in what seems quite abrasive ways.  This is when I employ something called 'engaged detachment' (I permit the ALL-ONE to Be without assigning Critique, Condemnation, or Value Judgement:  I understand the IS-ness and I Validate the ALL-ONE-ness)  and also The Attitude of Mastery called "I Am Grace" (I Allow the ALL-ONE-ness to Be what IT IS regardless of whether it suits me.  I Live Perpertual Forgiveness) - Ashayana & Azartan Deane.

Why?  Because sometimes it is the only thing that helps.

Often, not always, a painting I am working on begins speaking about something that hasn't even happened or is about to happen.  I put this up to the nearly common occurrence that I have come to accept, that being, a part of me, a part of my conscious intelligence is speaking through images.  I have known about this for some time and it continues to be a source of excitement and comfort.

See painting above:  A story about how i must (i am the black and white cow bunny) put many of my eggs in one boat (basket) and start traveling down toward my favorite watering hole (rt 1A south)  to live at some point.  The two fish heads on either side (appearing as two land masses on left and right) are talking to me with alert faces that it is time to get used to the idea of moving -