Sunday, July 26, 2009


, originally uploaded by pat.rota.

pat put this painting up on flickr. i had forgotten about it. i did it back when he and my sons were all busy playing a type of metal music. it was really something exciting to have all the musicians about playing.

this is one of my blogs, my new blog is on

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


friend, originally uploaded by Tobin Art.

so much is happening below the surface of things it is barely noticeable yet i am ready to burst, the summer activity is so exuberant.

i have 8 tadpole frogs on my porch and a baby canary almost two weeks old in my kitchen. Out fiddling three times this week!

hampstead fiddle jam and contest this saturday coming up at noon, center of town. look for the tents.

Thursday, July 09, 2009


beanforest, originally uploaded by Tobin Art.

the real title is "giraffe on a sailboat in a bird tea cup near the green bean forest"

soon to be available on my shop after i take a better photograph of it!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Practicing Art

The late Kurt Vonnegut wrote, "Practicing an art, no matter how well, is a way to make your soul grow."

I include music as an art.
Someone else said "art is something that comes out of refining the creative process and making a more finished type thing." i would call that 'professional' art, the kind one makes a living at!

the 'process of art' tho' is a healing journey. a purposeful one,

anyone can make a life a healing journey, tho' not everyone may have the clarity of mind to choose a life as that.

I know more of who i am because i have a chosen a life of art and a life of purpose.