Friday, April 02, 2010

New Blog Destination

Dear Blogger and Reader Friends.  I have moved -    


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Curried Coconut Chickpea Stew for a Cloudy Day

two onions
2 T finely chopped fresh ginger
2 stalks of celery
1 green pepper
1 zucchini
1 summer squash
4 carrots
1 cup mushrooms

Add in:
1 can good quality coconut milk
2 cans chickpeas rinsed
one quarter cup pureed pumpkin
1/2 to 1 cup water

2 T red curry HOT curry paste concentrate for sauces
a dash of super hot sauce such as Big Papi

salt to taste

just bring to a low simmer and cook on low heat to desired doneness!

Monday, March 08, 2010

Where am I? I am.....

WoW.  How is it that sometimes I can feel like I've just made it out of a vice grip?  I just re-emerged from what felt like an overly stressful time - keeping my thoughts as clear as possible while watching in near horror at some of the thinking part of me was trying to do - out dated patterns for sure fighting to stay ingrained or in position.  Growth and Freedom can really be quite the challenge tho always worth it coming out the other side.  

As a painter and musician I get ample opportunities to try out the Trusting part of me.  It is good to find that I am always finding my way and I always AM IT.   Everything starts with that.  The ultimate place of power within.  That God/Source/whatever you want to call it   eternal spark of creation everything has.  The I AM IT place of power.

If you can name where I am with my bike I will give you one of my wooden blocks with an art print on it!

(the first person to name it gets it)

Saturday, March 06, 2010

on drop cloth

ondropcloth, originally uploaded by tobin eckian.

on the day i finished this (again - 4 times i think i finished this painting), the sun came out and i liked how the window pane fell across the faces.

Dressing well helps when it is dark and stormy out but doesnt really take the gloom away ~ saying to oneself "this too shall pass" and staying kindly and gentle, honest and willing to change ones mind when called for.

true love is not blind.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


chickenonbox, originally uploaded by tobin eckian.

the chicken said "I'm on top of the box. I'm the winner!" and the other one's said "watch out for things fallin from the sky!"

Box of Good Thoughts said "I am just holding my ground and keeping my thoughts clean."

Happy wednesday xoxo

Sunday, February 28, 2010

boston terrier with pink rabbit, hippo and super small tabasco

boston550wpinkbunrabbit, originally uploaded by tobin eckian.

ah. always good to have power back on. seems super strange to have the luxury of it? not sure about it. i don't like this 'power from without' thing. i would rather be an energizer type of creature that could generate it's own power for all of it's personal requirements. do you ya know what i mean?

have a great week. and the balance of this sunday left.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


bleh. , originally uploaded by tobin eckian.

ok, not really 'bleh.' just a little ready for some blue sky.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Who knew about ski Joering?

I would have done this when I was young if I knew about it.  Is it possible to do a redo?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What? we can't keep the pom?

The Pug says "What?!  We can't keep the pom?"

The Black and White contingency team meet and discuss the issue about keeping the pom.

It is discovered that sometimes a Fox comes and goes into one's life rather quickly, do you agree?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Holding Still, Holding Ground

Holding Strong

taking a stand
thru the rest of winter
fiddle while i can
drink coffee
hold still
hill, bump

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Occurance Shifts to Invitation (a painting transforms while a person does)

A painting, a person, a neighbor who paints, the planet...everything is connected.  When I work as honest to the  point of almost being brutal with myself but not that, still kind and gentle even tho' feeling a bit bumped about - magic happens over time in the process of painting.  When my neighbor is painting and she changes for the better because of it, that makes it easier for me to change also. 

A painting, an oil...about a woman and a dog called "frequency gown"  started out being about the woman and the dog and their relationship.  Over time, after some technical difficulties (still being worked out but getting there)....they both turned.  They BOTH started looking out of the painting as an invitation to the viewer.  I didn't plan any of this.  I was just daddling along, doing my best to be present, listen to colors that i hear and see off the right side of my head.
Maybe it doesn't transfer as much as in person.  These are small thumbnails.  Yes, I know the one on the right is smiling more, that is not what I am talking about. lol.  And  yes, I know the person on the left looks way more extraterrestrial the the woman on the right.  Am I over-exaggerating?!
Maybe a trip to my studio is called for where it can be seen in person until moving out to an unknown yet to be determined destination.  Can you see why painting is a source of constant entertainment?

Sunday, February 07, 2010

do do do the Diorama

I think Diorama can also be spelled 'diarama' but it reminds too much of something that way.

The first Diorama I made was the first really magical 'artistic' happening that occurred in my life.  I didn't know what I was doing but I had a plan and ideas kept popping in my head - I was making my first and only Shoebox Diorama.  I was in 6th grade and my teacher, Mr. Daugherty instructed us to make one about a book we read.  I only really half listened to the instructions as what seemed like a common factor I carried with me through my school life, so I was pretty  much on my own in terms of what it was I was supposed to do.  Things came together in a most extraordinary way:  cotton balls, twigs,  everything I needed I found literally at my fingertips.  I got an A in the project for something I was entirely into.  (A first in school life experience, being 'entirely into it.')

I have been working on some now for quite a few years.  They are simple and meant to be added to (there is a small shelf behind the beaded wire balcony) with little artifacts.  I 'upcycle' cardboard, tape, plaster-fy, glue a print from one of my paintings and paint it.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Baby Bunny

"Rose with a baby squeak sounding rubber bunny"

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I couldn't get over myself yesterday to blog so today I am.

Something Happened

In these days, sometimes people might act unconnected to themselves and act in what seems quite abrasive ways.  This is when I employ something called 'engaged detachment' (I permit the ALL-ONE to Be without assigning Critique, Condemnation, or Value Judgement:  I understand the IS-ness and I Validate the ALL-ONE-ness)  and also The Attitude of Mastery called "I Am Grace" (I Allow the ALL-ONE-ness to Be what IT IS regardless of whether it suits me.  I Live Perpertual Forgiveness) - Ashayana & Azartan Deane.

Why?  Because sometimes it is the only thing that helps.

Often, not always, a painting I am working on begins speaking about something that hasn't even happened or is about to happen.  I put this up to the nearly common occurrence that I have come to accept, that being, a part of me, a part of my conscious intelligence is speaking through images.  I have known about this for some time and it continues to be a source of excitement and comfort.

See painting above:  A story about how i must (i am the black and white cow bunny) put many of my eggs in one boat (basket) and start traveling down toward my favorite watering hole (rt 1A south)  to live at some point.  The two fish heads on either side (appearing as two land masses on left and right) are talking to me with alert faces that it is time to get used to the idea of moving - 

Friday, January 29, 2010


blackbunnywithcowbunny, originally uploaded by tobin eckian.

ka! cow bunny looks perplexed by it's canary egg cargo.

happy weekend xo

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


That's the sound of hair being cut. 

turn upside down
flip hair over with you
comb it all forward
snip snippity snip

out with some of the old. in with the new.

Monday, January 25, 2010


   I have a secret back-up blog entry on a card near my table.  I havn't used it yet but feel like I want to type it out.  Then I have other things I like to talk about, like how much I value twittering....

(my secret is a cherished list from a birthdaycard from all the animals that currently lived within arm's length of the kitchen in 1999)

(why I love twitter?  i find different artists who are tweeting and we keep eachother tweet sharp and focused on our work).

   My friend, Foxfire is leaving for Africa this week and is blogging about how many pairs of underwear she will pack (possibly one or maybe two)  link here.

   Who do I think I am!?   Seriously,  I am social media-ist.  An Artist grateful for an audience and kindling kinship of others that are here on the Planet.  I am an entertainer, entertaining first myself and then benefiting from the laughter or grins of others seeing my ridiculous antics -  like a parrot with fat legs and funny feet walking, or attempting to run across a floor.  I am like a Parrot -  who desire full inclusion into a social network, full acceptance.  Complete Love and trustworthiness going both ways.

picture "Red Fox"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday - Inspired by the Theater Community in Newburyport

   I get so inspired by being in the Firehouse.  It is like a giant toy.  I imagine moving little parts and things around on the walls and on the big projector screen.  I wonder how I could create a giant scenario combining music and story, drama and visual art.  I've had these thoughts and feelings before and it all came rushing in again unexpectedly last night while sitting in the theater during the opening of 'The New Works' festival (Playwrite James McLindon was in the audience, directed by Sherry Bonder with Astrid Lorentzon, Ashley Risteen and Eliot Johnston)  Well Played!

   Later at the surprise reception (I hadn't known there would be wine and food after), staring at the blank bricks walls feeling a tangible longing to hang my new work up I realized the idea of submitting work for the Firehouse had returned full force. 
  While napping before driving to the show I was with my old friends from High School at a bar that overlayed my old neighborhood (Leawood Drive, New Castle, PA)  where my actor neighbor lived adjacently, Mrs. Nord  and my new neighborhood (Newbuyrport around the vicinity of the Firehouse).  I had to leave my friends quickly to enter the Firehouse and looked down at myself and I was wearing a full length red dress, the same one that another person was wearing who was on stage getting ready to read.  What?    I woke up from the nap feeling quite ready to entertain the idea of getting up on stage at some point.  Maybe I will venture into 'The Random Acts"  next November or audition for next year's "New Works  shorts?  Somethings to look forward to.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to Marc Clopton's written play "Alice in Wonder Glass"  premiering this Feb 11th at the Black Box Theater in the Tannery.  Dan Hanson has been making the lyrical and sculpted furniture for the event and they will be auctioned (time and place tba).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

polite or Rude? Playing at the Port Taven.....

   I didn't realize how much I had payed attention to the common courtesy of waiting one's turn until I found myself sitting at the weekly Music Seisun at the Port Tavern in Newburyport.  Unlike some folks, I did not have the pleasure of growing up around this type of happening.  Eamon Coyne, a rare treasure from Ireland runs it every wednesday from 7 until 10 pm.  There is some element of waiting one's turn, ie:  when Eamon calls on you...but that happens only when the slew of players have stopped for 12 seconds to catch a breath or if it is a slower night (not as many players).   Rather, from what I can tell,  it is up to me to jump in when the last song (usually a run of three tunes each played three times in a row) has just ended.  There is no time really to think, just do it.  Gah!   hesitation can mean lost opportunity.

  It is not ever a 'slow' night as the seisun is known for it's rapid speed, both a thrill and inspiration.  I've been playing fiddle going on nine years now.  Some pieces like 'The Swallowtail Reel'  I knew to play fast.  Now I spend my early morning getting everything up to speed so I am not only correct in jumping in to the playing pot, but also not rude in playing poorly!

If you like Irish (scottish, english, celtic, cape breton) type of traditional tunes you may be overjoyed to be at Port Taven on State St. in Newburyport on a wednesday eve.  (with instrument or as listener -  beginners are always welcome to sit on the fringe!)

"Boston Terrier Island"

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fluffy Monday

first thing in morning. throw open the window, take photo,   will post somewhere.  fades in....singing "This Love Will Carry" by Contemporary Scottish Musician, Dougie Maclean.

 I take my music as serious as my art.  holding both lightly as fluff in one hand and as heavy as gravity would allow in the other.  Singing and playing fiddle are like the blood for me.  keeps things moving freely.  My art-making is like my bones.  They build me up.  keep me here on earth.  both are so important. 

I have been writing from this window for some years now.  There is a book floating around on the internet that took 5 years from this window.  I still have the urge to write from here.  This is where I do my blogs.  I realized near the end of writing the book that what I was really doing was practicing blog writing.  For that is the style of writing the book takes.  A ridiculous and quite serious account of my life as a almost street person and basically a traveler, gypsy artist musician.  Notice that even tho i mention this book i am not saying where it can be purchased, typical response to my ambivalence of being read.  i think to date i have sold 12 copies.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday - resting while working

i know i said i would attempt to blog everyday but i am thinking every other day now..  i am not going to capitalize my 'i's'  because my sleeve will go into my paint if i move that way.  my recent canvas is sitting in front of my this, studio laptop.

i also am finding the joy of typing a draft in the  morn and not publishing until i have some kind of photograph to show for myself.  yesterday i took some photos of the baby tiger, canary hastening back into it's nest.  just like i did out of sheer exhaustion of pushing myself too hard re: paint and fiddle.

basically most capitol letters are out while i am typing in this manner.

i learned something valuable yesterday and this morning....(ice is falling off my roof right now)....the art of not working too hard.   that's right.  that's what i said.  i think it is un natural to work to the point of too much.  what is called for is a focus and refocusing of a particular goal, intended progress -----  not the overdoing.

i'm serious about this.

I think I finished the painting just now so now I can cAP.   

There are plenty of environmental pressures that seem to squeeze in on my cells sometimes propelling me towards a desperate enbarkment - a ridiculous journey even for my mind,  before I make a move.  The best way to deal with this while it is occurring is to either clean up something and through out old stuff, or take a nap.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday Jan 13th - nearly in the middle of the month and the week

I woke up and came downstairs and who was sitting on a little branch in the middle of the cage?  Only the cutest little baby canary there ever was.  This one is mild mannered and barely makes a peep.  A quiet, sensitive little bird with bright black eyes.  I wasn't there this time to see the baby's first hop out of the nest.  Previous accounts (4 in all) I have witnessed first steps and flights.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


softiebluebunnyandskip3, originally uploaded by tobin eckian.
the small wool stuffed softies serve as an inspiration by placing them in my new paintings. it appears the blue bunny bear morphed into the schipperke in the latest 12 x12 ! quite funny what can happen.

And back to the new canary baby, Tiger. simply so adorable and looked at me while i was talking to it today without shrinking back into it's nest like it usually did before when I attempted a direct conversation.